How Crime Mobb’s Manager Finessed Them Out Of Millions For “Knuck If You Buck” Song

Six members of the group, Crime Mobb, we’re given an $1000 advance each for their song “Knuck If You Buck,” with no royalties or publishing rights. Princess broke down what ultimately ended up happening. “When we started, we wasn’t making any money,” she said. “After we got signed, we weren’t making any money. Our advance, which everybody usually say they finna get signed and buy they mama a house, and a car, and jewelry—we got a thousand dollars each, in cash.”
“We wasn’t getting none of our publishing or royalties,” Princess continued. “We didn’t know about it. We didn’t know about publishing or royalties. Not in high school. And when you on the radio, and you poppin’ in the city, everything look good. And you hope that this person you put your trust into, they can have your career in everybody’s best interest. But that wasn’t the case with Crime Mob.”